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Summary care records

Care professionals in England use an electronic record called the Summary Care Record (SCR). This can provide those involved in your care with faster secure access to key information from your GP record. For more information talk to the staff at your GP practice or visit

You can also visit the NHS Digital website or call them on 0300 303 5678.

What is a Summary Care Record(SCR)?

If you are registered with a GP practice in England, you will already have an SCR unless you have previously chosen not to have one. It includes the following basic information:

  • Medicines you are taking,
  • Allergies you suffer from,
  • Any bad reactions to medicines,
  • Your name,
  • Your address,
  • Your date of birth,
  • Your NHS Number.

What choices do you have?

You can now choose to include more information in your SCR, such as significant medical history (past and present), information about management of long term conditions, immunisations and patient preferences such as end of life care information, particular care needs and communication preferences. If you would like to do this, talk to your GP practice as it can only be added with your permission.

Remember, you can change your mind about your SCR at any time. Talk to your GP practice if you want to discuss your option to add more information or decide you no longer want an SCR.

Who can see my SCR?

Only authorised care professional staff in England who are involved in your direct care can have access to your SCR. Your SCR will not be used for any other purposes. These staff:

  • Need to have a Smartcard with a chip and passcode,
  • Will only see the information they need to do their job,
  • Will have their details recorded every time they look at your record.

Care professionals will ask for your permission if they need to look at your SCR. If they cannot ask you because you are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate, they may decide to look at your record because doing so is in your best interest. This access is recorded and checked to ensure that it is appropriate.

SCRs for children

If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16, and feel they are able to understand this information you should show it to them. You can then support them to come to a decision about having an SCR and whether to include additional information.

Vulnerable patients and carers

Having an SCR that includes extra information can be of particular benefit to patients with detailed and complex health problems. If you are a carer for someone and believe that this may benefit them, you could discuss it with them and their GP practice.


For information on how the NHS will collect, store and allow access to your electronic records visit NHS Website.


If you would like to opt-out of your summary care record you can use our online opt-out form.

Adding more information to your Summary Care Record (Enhanced Summary Care Record)

You can find more information on the Enhanced summary care record page.