Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Translation service

We are able to offer translation and interpreter services to our patients.

If this is a service that you require, please contact the reception team at the medical centre.

Cardiac clinic

This clinic is for patients with any problems related to the heart, blood pressure or who have had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA).

Diabetic clinic

If you are diabetic, we will ask you to come every year and possibly every six months for a check as well.

Epilepsy, mental health & dementia reviews

We will write to you annually and ask you to see either the clinician.

Respiratory clinic

This clinic is for patients who have, or who we think have, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We will ask you to come to the clinic every year if you have asthma, or COPD.

Smoking cessation (stopping smoking) clinic

If you want to stop smoking, we can offer advice and sometimes prescribe medication that will help you. We offer individual advice with our smoking cessation advisor or you can call the stop-smoking help line 0800 0854113.

Minor eye condition service

If you have an eye condition our reception team complete an eye assessment by asking you some questions. If you meet the criteria you will be referred to the Minor Eye condition Service (MECS).

Phlebotomy clinic

We offer a service at the practice on weekday mornings. We often ask you to have a blood test before coming to several of the other special clinics. In addition, Cromer Hospital, offer a walk-in phlebotomy clinic between 8:30am and 4:30pm with appointments for children or patients requiring a fasting blood test.

New patient wellness checks

We ask all new patients to come for a general health check. 

Test Results

If a clinician at the centre arranges for you to have a test done you can use our online test results request form to request the results. You may then be advised to make a follow up appointment with the clinician to discuss your results.

Community services

For information about the following services, please use our ask reception a question form.

  • Health visitor
  • Macmillan nurse
  • Midwife
  • Continence services
  • Mental health team

Community nurses

The community nursing team is based in North Walsham. You can contact them on 01692 408079.

Appleyard wellbeing centre

We offer a range of private treatments at the Appleyard wellbeing centre. These include:

Hiring Appleyard:

If you are interested in hiring the Appleyard Wellbeing Centre please use our ask reception a question form.


You don’t always need vaccinations if you’re travelling abroad. It’ll depend on where and when you’re travelling and what activities you plan to do.

The NHS recommends that travellers check the information on the website NaTHNaC provide a comprehensive guide to the immunisations required for each country and general advice. These websites include daily up dates on current issues effecting health, such as the Zika virus and yellow fever.

We can provide you with the vaccinations which are usually free on the NHS should you require them. We do not provide comprehensive travel advice at the practice.

If you require any other immunisations or advice, then please arrange to visit a private travel clinic that can offer you a full range of services and convenient appointment times.

Please allow enough time to request an appointment at the practice prior to your date of travel, or we may not be able to see you before you depart on your holiday.

Medical records

If you need us to check your medical records to see which immunisations you have previously had, then please ask reception. If you need a printed copy of your immunisations there will be a small charge. Some patient records are still on paper so would need to be taken out of storage, please allow at least 2 weeks for us to check.

Remember if you previously had any immunisations at a private clinic, these will not be on your practice record, unless you have told us about these.

Pharmacists are also able to advise you on antimalarial medication.

Frailty diagnosis

As part of the NHS General Medical Contract, GP practices are required to carry out searches to identify any registered patient usually aged 65 years and over who is frail; this is done by using the Electronic Frailty Index Tool (eFI).

The eFI searches patient’s medical records for many factors, including a combination of any of the following categories;

  • Long-term conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, hypertension etc
  • Physical disabilities such as mobility problems, hearing or sight loss
  • Social vulnerability such as isolation
  • Signs and symptoms, such as falls, memory problems and sleep disturbances
  • Abnormal phlebotomy results indicating anaemia
  • Multiple medications

What this means for you as a patient identified with moderate or severe frailty:

  • The frailty diagnosis will be added to your medical record.
  • The GP will carry out a review of your medication.
  • If you are recorded as having a fall or multiple falls you will be offered a falls assessment to check if there are any clinically appropriate interventions required.
  • We will ask you, if you do not already have one, whether you would like to have an enriched Summary Care Record (eSCR). An eSCR means that any authorised, registered and regulated health and care professional (such as paramedics, accident and emergency departments) will be able to see the following information to assist them in ensuring you receive the most appropriate care and treatment:
    • Past and present significant medical history
    • Reason for medication prescribed
    • Anticipatory care information (e.g. such as management of long-term conditions
    • End of life care (if appropriate)
    • Immunisations

If you have been coded with a frailty diagnosis and you disagree with this, please contact the practice for further information.